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HomeCity MeetingsCity Business: Week of July 26, 2021

City Business: Week of July 26, 2021

City Commission Hiatus Reminder:  Note that the City Commission begins its two-week hiatus on July 19; the hiatus runs through July 30.

Pre-Bid Conference: 21-21B Sunset Point Veterans Park Restoration

  • When: July 27, 10:00 am
  • Where: Virtual; join via Microsoft Teams here

A Belated Happy Birthday to Tamarac: Tamarac Celebrates Birthday on July 19

Did you know that Tamarac Lakes was the city’s first neighborhood? Learn even more fun facts about our city in this brief video by District 1 Commissioner Marlon Bolton.


City Seeks Volunteers to Serve on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee; Applications Close This Friday July 16

Beginning Friday, July 2nd, the City of Tamarac began accepting applications from Tamarac residents or individuals conducting business in the city, including non-profit organizations serving Tamarac Veterans, for potential appointments to the Veterans Affair Committee.

  • When: Application window open July 2, 2021 – July 16, 2021
  • Where: Applications are available by clicking here or by calling the City Clerk’s office at 954-597-3505.
  • More details: Committee members must have served in a branch of the United States Armed Forces and must have received an honorable discharge.

City Seeks Feedback on Community Shuttle Buses and/or Broward County Transit Bus Routes

The City of Tamarac is collecting input from residents about how they access the City’s Community Shuttle Buses (Red or Red Extension Routes) and/or Broward County Transit bus routes.

Please click this link to participate in a brief survey regarding transit services in the City. These answers are collected anonymously. As of this writing, the survey is still open.

Tamarac is Hiring!

As of this writing, the City of Tamarac has over a dozen positions posted, from an Associate Planner to a Utilities Service Worker 1 position and many more. Applicants can check out available positions here.

If you’re interested in a particular position and don’t see any current openings, you can sign up for job alerts here.

The City offers a variety of benefits, including financial benefits such as pension plans, credit union memberships; health benefits including group policies and sick leave; and personal benefits such as an Education Assistance Program and personal/vacation leave.

To explore the City’s employee benefits, click here.

One More Florida Tax Holiday on the Horizon

  • July 31- August 9: Back to School Sales Tax Holiday

According to the Florida Senate, this sales tax holiday will apply to “clothing, footwear, and backpacks costing $60 or less, school supplies costing $15 or less, and the first $1,000 of the sales tax price of personal computers or personal computer-related accessories.

Important Notes:

  • The public may watch meetings online through the City’s website (, or via Facebook Live.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, in-person meetings are held in the Commission Chamber at 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. If you’re planning to attend a meeting in-person, please be aware that seating is limited in accordance with CDC guidelines, and attendees are required to wear a mask. 
  • Upcoming public meetings are listed on the City website at, along with their respective agendas, links to watch the meetings online, and links to sign up for public participation if applicable. 
  • In addition, here’s important information about City Commission meetings:
    • The City Commission holds a workshop meeting on the Monday prior to each regular commission meeting at 9:30 am in City Hall, Conference Room 105, where agenda items are discussed at length. Regular commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 pm or 9:30 am, respectively, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Special topic workshops are scheduled as needed. 
    • Any member of the public, wishing to comment publicly on the record, on any matter, may sign up with the City Clerk before or during the meeting. If any member of the public requires additional information about this City Commission meeting or has any questions about how to sign up or submit a comment at the meeting, please contact:

      Jennifer Johnson, City Clerk
      City of Tamarac
      7525 NW 88th Avenue
      Tamarac, FL 33321

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