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HomeCity MeetingsCity Business: Week of June 27, 2022

City Business: Week of June 27, 2022


  • For the most up-to-date information on City meetings, including full agendas, cancellations, changes of venue, or changes to times/dates, visit the City’s “Meetings” page here

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Board

  • When: June 27, 4:00 pm
  • Where: 6001 Nob Hill Road, Conference Room 2, Tamarac, FL 33321
  • More details: The agenda includes the development of goals and objectives/actions as well as other items; the full agenda is available here


Have You Registered for Code RED?

The recent tropical weather is a great reminder to sign up for Code RED.

OnSolve CodeRED is an emergency notification system which allows City officials to alert businesses and residents about emergency situations. This is a particularly useful service during hurricane season.

To sign up for Code RED, click here.

To learn more about Code RED, click here.

Apply for the City’s Compost Rebate Program

Composting is a great, green way to recycle items such as fruit or vegetable scraps and yard trimmings, providing important nutrients for garden soil. It also helps retain moisture, which can save water, help prevent erosion, and loosen compacted soil, resulting in better drainage.

If you’re a Tamarac resident, you may qualify for a $50 rebate through this program, whether you’re a single-family homeowner choosing an outdoor unit, or a multifamily resident purchasing a countertop unit.

  • When: The original sales receipt must be dated between March 1, 2022, and September 30, 2022.
  • More details:
    • The rebate must be submitted by a Tamarac resident who currently resides at the home, either a tenant or an owner-occupier.
    • Landlords are not eligible to claim a rebate for their rental properties.
    • The program is for residential customers only, commercial requests are not eligible.
    • Funds are limited, offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Once funds are depleted, rebates are no longer available for the fiscal year and any unfunded applications will be returned to the applicant.
    • For full details and additional guidelines, click here.
  • More information: Call the Public Services Department at 954-597-3700 or visit the City’s Composting Program webpage here.

Construction Continues at Nob Hill Road and Southgate Boulevard

The project will include:

  • Additional storage capacity for the eastbound, westbound, and southbound left turning lanes
  • Drainage improvements
  • Construction of mast arm supported traffic signalization
  • Milling and resurfacing and upgraded pedestrian ramps, signage, and pavement marking

Tamarac is Hiring!

As of this writing, the City of Tamarac has over a dozen positions posted, from Bus Driver – On Call to a Utilities Service Worker I and many more. Applicants can check out available positions here.

If you’re interested in a particular position and don’t see any current openings, you can sign up for job alerts here.

The city offers a variety of benefits, including financial benefits such as pension plans, credit union memberships; health benefits including group policies and sick leave; and personal benefits such as an Education Assistance Program and personal/vacation leave.

To explore the city’s employee benefits, click here.

Ongoing Pine Island Road Traffic Signal Improvements

This project, which will upgrade the existing traffic signal communications from cellular to high-speed fiber-optics along Pine Island Road from Oakland Park Boulevard to McNab Road, began on August 2, 2021. The upgrades are part of the Mobility Advancement Program (MAP) Broward, formerly known as the “Penny for Transportation” program, and is Broward County’s transportation surtax approved by voters in 2018.

Key Details:

  • The project is expected to be completed in July 2022
  • Broward County is managing the project
  • Contractor: Horsepower Electric, Inc.
  • Contacts for Concerns or Emergencies:
    • Construction Engineering and Inspection: Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. Felix Garcia, CEI Project Administrator: 954-895-8535 or
    • Broward County Project Management: Chris Masullo, Project Manager, 954-847-2676 or

Note: You can find all of the Broward County Municipal Capital Projects here; it includes several projects in Tamarac.

Important Notes:

  • The public may watch meetings online through the city’s website (, or via Facebook Live.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, in-person meetings are held in the Commission Chamber at 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321. If you’re planning to attend a meeting in-person, please be aware that seating is limited in accordance with CDC guidelines, and attendees are required to wear a mask. 
  • Upcoming public meetings are listed on the city website at, along with their respective agendas, links to watch the meetings online, and links to sign up for public participation if applicable. 
  • In addition, here’s important information about City Commission meetings:
    • The City Commission holds a workshop meeting on the Monday prior to each regular commission meeting at 9:30 am in City Hall, Conference Room 105, where agenda items are discussed at length. Regular commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 pm or 9:30 am, respectively, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Special topic workshops are scheduled as needed. 
    • Any member of the public, wishing to comment publicly on the record, on any matter, may sign up with the City Clerk before or during the meeting. If any member of the public requires additional information about this City Commission meeting or has any questions about how to sign up or submit a comment at the meeting, please contact:

      Jennifer Johnson, City Clerk
      City of Tamarac
      7525 NW 88th Avenue
      Tamarac, FL 33321

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