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HomeCity MeetingsCity Business: Week of May 24, 2021

City Business: Week of May 24, 2021

City Opens Fifth Round of Residential Assistance Program

The application window for the fifth round of the Residential Assistance Program has re-opened. This program provides emergency assistance to families impacted by COVID-19, and include assistance with mortgage, rent, and utility payments.

Program highlights:

  • Applications will be accepted until the funds are exhausted
  • Applicants must have verifiable and documented income hardship
  • Applicants must reside within the City of Tamarac
  • Payments will not exceed six months and $5000.00
  • Checks will be made payable to Landlord, Mortgage Lender and/or Utility Provider(s)
  • More information: Click this link for more information and to apply

City Commission Meeting

  • When: May 26, 7:00 pm
  • Where: Virtual and In-Person at Commission Chambers in Tamarac City Hall, 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321
  • More information:
    • Watch the meeting online here
    • Sign Up to speak by phone during the meeting here; If you would like to speak about a specific item on the agenda, please include that information in the sign up form.
  • Meeting link:

In Case You Missed It – Reminder: Hurricane Season Begins June 1!

The beginning of hurricane season is June 1. Did you know that Broward County maintains a Vulnerable Population Registry? According to the County website, “You should pre-register in the Vulnerable Population Registry if you are at risk due to a disability, frailty, or health issue, regardless of age, AND you elect to stay at home in the event of a hurricane or other emergency. Registration should be in advance, and before a storm threatens. The Registry is used by municipalities for planning purposes only, and is not a guarantee of assistance. Register online, or by calling the Broward County Call Center at 311 or 954-831-4000 (TTY 954-831-3890), or by contacting your municipality’s emergency management agency.” Click here for Tamarac Emergency Management information.

Important Notes:

The public may watch meetings online through the City’s website (, or via Facebook Live.

Note that Tamarac has transitioned back to in-person meetings [in some cases]. Unless otherwise indicated, in-person meetings are held in the Commission Chamber at 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. If you’re planning to attend a meeting in-person, please be aware that seating is limited in accordance with CDC guidelines, and attendees are required to wear a mask. 

Upcoming public meetings are listed on the City website at, along with their respective agendas, links to watch the meetings online, and links to sign up for public participation if applicable. 

In addition, here’s important information about City Commission meetings:

The City Commission holds a workshop meeting on the Monday prior to each regular commission meeting at 9:30 am in City Hall, Conference Room 105, where agenda items are discussed at length. Regular commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 pm or 9:30 am, respectively, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Special topic workshops are scheduled as needed. 

Amended for Virtual Meetings

  • Email comments to All comments submitted by email, that if read orally, are three minutes or less shall be read into the record. All comments submitted by email shall be made part of the public record.
  • Submit comments online during the meeting through the City of Tamarac’s Facebook page.
  • Comment via telephone by registering online at Individuals who register will be contacted by telephone at the appropriate time during the meeting to offer their public comments.

For additional information about virtual meetings and how to submit comments, please contact Jennifer Johnson, City Clerk, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321, (954) 597-3505,

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