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Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeCity MeetingsNext Week’s City Business: Week of April 12, 2021

Next Week’s City Business: Week of April 12, 2021

Tamarac Introduces COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Get vaccinated by Tamarac’s first responders; Tamarac Fire Rescue is now offering Pfizer
COVID-19 vaccinations to eligible residents.

Before You Arrive

  1. Vaccinations are by appointment only. Schedule yours Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., by calling the Tamarac Vaccination Hotline at 954-597-3893. An appointment time and location will be provided by the operator.
  2. Expedite your appointment by completing a Vaccine Consent Form in advance.
  3. Wear attire that allows for easy access to your upper arm.

Appointment Day  

  1. Present your completed Vaccination Form (preferable), or complete one on-site.
  2. The usher will escort you to the registration table for a final review of your form and to provide a bag filled with COVID-19 vaccination resources and information.
  3. An usher will direct you to a Tamarac Firefighter, who will verify your pertinent medical history and discuss potential side effects.
  4. You will be directed to the waiting area for a health monitoring period of 15 or 30 minutes, depending on your medical history. The Tamarac Firefighter administering your shot will advise of your required waiting period.
  5. You may exit once your health monitoring period is completed.

Health & Safety Matters

  • Hand sanitization stations are placed throughout the vaccination site for our volunteers, and members of the public.
  • All chairs are sanitized after use, allowing the next guest to be served in a clean environment.
  • The waiting area seating is spaced 6-feet apart to allow social distancing between guests.
  • Masks and facial coverings are required by all persons at the vaccination site.

City Commission Workshop

  • When: April 14, 5:00 pm
  • Where: Virtual; watch online at this link

City Commission Meeting

  • When: April 14, 7:00 pm
  • Where: Virtual; watch online at this link
  • More details:
    • The agenda, when available, will be published here
    • To sign up to speak, click here. During Public Participation, the City will call all those who signed up for Public Participation, by phone, during the meeting.

Online Tax Preparation Sessions with Vita Tax: Additional Sessions

  • File your taxes with Certified Tax Professionals; visit, and choose the language of your choice: “English, Spanish, or Creole”.
  • Follow the instructions and upload the requested documents.
  • Our Broward Tax Pro/IRS Certified staff will take over once information and documents have been uploaded.
  • Taxes are prepared, reviewed, and returned for signature.
  • Tax returns are electronically sent to the IRS. An electronic copy will be sent once the tax return is submitted.
  • The Tax Hotline is (954) 678-6882.

This week’s sessions are as follows (choose one):

Important Notes:

The public may watch meetings online through the City’s website (, or via Facebook Live.

Note that Tamarac has transitioned back to in-person meetings [in some cases]. Unless otherwise indicated, in-person meetings are held in the Commission Chamber at 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. If you’re planning to attend a meeting in-person, please be aware that seating is limited in accordance with CDC guidelines, and attendees are required to wear a mask. 

Upcoming public meetings are listed on the City website at, along with their respective agendas, links to watch the meetings online, and links to sign up for public participation if applicable. 

In addition, here’s important information about City Commission meetings:

The City Commission holds a workshop meeting on the Monday prior to each regular commission meeting at 9:30 am in City Hall, Conference Room 105, where agenda items are discussed at length. Regular commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 pm or 9:30 am, respectively, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Special topic workshops are scheduled as needed. 

Amended for Virtual Meetings

  • Email comments to All comments submitted by email, that if read orally, are three minutes or less shall be read into the record. All comments submitted by email shall be made part of the public record.
  • Submit comments online during the meeting through the City of Tamarac’s Facebook page.
  • Comment via telephone by registering online at Individuals who register will be contacted by telephone at the appropriate time during the meeting to offer their public comments.

For additional information about virtual meetings and how to submit comments, please contact Jennifer Johnson, City Clerk, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321, (954) 597-3505,

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