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Monday, February 10, 2025
HomeCoronavirusTamarac Plans to Begin Reopening, with Guidelines

Tamarac Plans to Begin Reopening, with Guidelines

On Friday, May 29, the City will reopen the fitness center at the Caporella Aquatic Complex (the pool will remain closed).

The fitness center will be open as follows:

  • Monday-Friday: 6 am – 7 pm
  • Saturday: 7:30 am – 6 pm
  • NOTE:
    • The fitness center will be closed from 2 pm to 3 pm each day for an electrostatic sanitization and mid-day cleaning
    • Maximum participant capacity will be 15 people

City playgrounds remain closed

Most Recent County Guidelines

Broward County is issuing regular reopening updates as warranted. The City of Tamarac, as well as other municipalities, continues to follow County and State guidelines and may also impose more stringent requirements if appropriate.

Here is a summary of the most recent Broward County update:

On May 22 at 8 pm, the Mayor and City Commission issued Coronavirus Update #37, following the guidelines in Broward County Emergency Order 20-13, issued the same day. The county’s Phase 1 reopening, effective May 26, covers beaches, commercial gyms and fitness centers, and hotels and other commercial lodging. The restrictions are detailed in the county’s order, which you can read in full at

These reopenings are in addition to those outlined in Broward County Emergency Order 20-12, issued May 21, and available at…/…/EmergencyOrder20-12.pdf.

Here are some highlights of the county order; note that cities as well as management of multifamily dwellings may enact more stringent guidelines.

Please remember that the guidelines listed below are highlights of the County order and are not meant to be an exhaustive list.


  • Beaches are open sunrise to sunset
  • Prohibited:
    • Picnicking, sunbathing, sitting, or lying on the beach
    • Umbrellas, canopies, chairs, loungers, or coolers
    • Group or organized sports including, but not limited to, volleyball, soccer, or football.
  • Group gathering or events of more than ten (10) individuals
  • Individuals must maintain a minimum six feet (f) of physical distance from others at all times, except between members of the same household or group.

Multifamily dwelling community rooms, fitness centers and gyms, and pools and pool decks

  • Multifamily dwelling community rooms, fitness centers and gyms, and pools and pool decks: Limited to residents and their families, if authorized by management. No other guests are permitted. Note that management can impose tighter restrictions.
  • Pools and pool decks located within private clubs (such as YMCAs, yacht clubs, etc.), and including county or municipal pools, but excluding pools that are part of a commercial fitness facility may allow members and authorized users and may operate under the guidelines specified in Broward County Emergency Order 20-12):
  • Commercial Gyms (including but not limited to, dance studios, martial arts studios, yoga studios, spinning studios, personal training services, and similar establishments)
  • Make readily available dispensers of a disinfectant included on the EPA List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (­registration/list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars-cov-2
  • Provide patrons with sufficient cleaning materials, including disposable wipes, at all entrances and at various locations throughout the facility.
  • Hygiene signage must be prominently displayed at all entrances.
  • All employees and patrons must be required to sanitize their hands: a) Upon entering the facility ( or before beginning their fitness activities if conducted outdoors); b) After using each piece of equipment; and c) Upon completing their fitness routine.
  • Disinfecting wipes must be available throughout the facility and patrons must sanitize each machine after use. Equipment must be allowed to· fully dry before next use. Staff must monitor the floor and exercise area to sanitize any and all equipment if a patron fails to do so [the order contains a detailed list of surfaces to be sanitized]
  • Discontinue providing heart monitors, mats, blocks, bolsters, or similar equipment to customers.
  • Restrooms must be sanitized no less frequently than hourly. Soap must be readily available for patrons.
  • Patrons must have their temperature taken upon entrance, including any children exercising or entering a child-care program. Any patron with a temperature above 100.1 degrees Fahrenheit or who appears to have flu-like symptoms or other symptoms related to COVID-19 must be denied entry to the facility.
  • Employees must wear facial coverings, and have temperature checked prior to commencing work each day. Any employee with a temperature above 100.1 degrees Fahrenheit or who appears to have flu-like symptoms or other symptoms related to COVID-19 upon arrival at work, or who becomes sick during the day, must immediately be separated from other employees, customers, and visitors, and sent home.

Hotels and other lodging (additional guidelines are listed in County Emergency Order 20-12)

  • Ballrooms and other function spaces must remain closed
  • Guests must wear facial coverings in check-in areas, elevators, and all other common spaces, but not in rented rooms. The facial covering requirements applicable to the specific use areas (such as restaurants and fitness centers) shall be required in the specific use areas.
  • Establishments must impose capacity limits for common areas to adhere to the 6 feet social distancing requirements.
  • Property must maintain records of guest registration, staff work assignments, and facility usage for a minimum of 90 days to enable contact tracing. This includes maintaining guest registration records, employee work assignments, documentation of key control procedures including the electronic lock records, and security camera closed circuit tapes/files.
  • Hand sanitizer must be available to guests at the front desk
  • Valet parking should be restricted only to guests with placards or plates for disabled parking or who otherwise need assistance.
  • Luggage should be delivered either before or after guests arrive to their room and avoid traveling with guests to their rooms.
  • Property must create a page on your website or blog that outlines what the property is doing to clean, sanitize and disinfect, and otherwise keep guests safe.
  • Bellhop staff and Valets must wear single use gloves and a facial covering while performing the requested service and must sanitize their hands before and after performing the requested service.

Photo Credit: @rfaizal707 via Twenty20

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